Coliving; the new way to create an artwork of connections


The Holstee Manifesto writes “Life is all about the people you meet and the things you create with them, so go out and start creating.”

First we had coworking, now coliving has evolved out of the human desire to create better social networks and nurture more fulfilling personal relationships. It is a place where everyone is treated as unique, with great skills and attributes they can bring to the community table.

The coliving movement is a way to break the barriers blocking the making of a community. These blockages include the fear of not fitting in and social anxiety over interacting with others. Coliving instead works to build bridges, helping people to find a place where they can be themselves and belong, through providing the foundations for its community members to get involved and participate. You are given the tools and resources to build new connections organically. Because of this, coliving addresses key problems seen in our 21st century urban environments such as isolation and loneliness.

A coliving space is not only a place to live, but is also a place to socialise. It is authentic community-based living. In a coliving space, the amount of moments where you can interact with people is innumerable. For example, in communal cooking spaces, you can make a meal or bake up a storm of cookies with members of your fellow community. There are shared edible gardens you can nurture. In the living areas you can sit down, share a cup of tea and a conversation with whoever is around.


Coliving spaces are open to anyone and everyone. You get to meet people from all over the world, learning about their experiences and connecting with like-minded people who are brought into your orbit through the coliving space. It is a perfect place if you have just moved to a new city and do not know anyone. Families can benefit from shared playrooms and on-hand babysitters, and older generations can join in community activities with people of all ages, enjoying new connections.

Group activities are promoted so you can link up with people who have the same interests as you, creating new relationships. These activities can include whole community dinners, games nights, fitness classes and movie nights. 

Coworking areas are provided, where you can work productively, meet other professionals and expand your networks. Community members are also encouraged to host their own events, with spaces available, catering just for this. 

Underlying all of these actions, is the belief of every community member in upholding the values of inclusiveness, cooperation and meaningful human connections. Alongside this, your personal wellbeing is promoted with self-growth workshops offered and meditative spaces available.

From making these simple connections, you form genuine bonds, which carry on into your everyday life, creating lifelong friends. With these new connections, you’ll head out into the wider community and engage in shared hobbies like yoga classes, or engage in trying new experiences like surfing classes or learning a new language together. You’ll take part in dinner outings and trips to local markets. These opportunities are always available, meaning you can decide whether you want to engage and participate or instead take some time for yourself in your own private room. You never have to fear about missing out on an event or a connection as everything is flexible.


The opportunities to meet someone who will inspire you, who you can learn from and who you can collaborate and become friends with, are limitless. Coliving provides you with an instant community.

Do you guys have an cool experiences of meeting new people in a coliving space? What are your favourite community activities to get involved in?